Amanda and Andrea welcome back Angel superfan Julia as they sit down to talk about the final four episodes of season two.
Time for a rousing and occasionally rambling conversation about Buffy and her search for love. I know, you THINK this episode's about April, the sad robot girl, but it isn't, trust us. We also can't help but mention how much we love Xander this episode, he's ramped his lovableness up to 11 - especially when he's Puffy Xander.
Happy Valentine's Day! or Happy Single's Awareness Day! (depending whether you're Amanda or Andrea)
However you choose to 'celebrate' today, why not spend an hour or so with the ladies of Tiny Fences as they chat about 'Crush'.
It's mid-season revelation time in Sunnydale. Dawn and the Scoobies learn the truth about her and we, the audience, finally get new insight into the Ben/Glory relationship.
Yes, the Watcher's Council's back, and we learn HUGE new information about Glory, but the most important part of this episode, is possibly the greatest version of our theme song ever.
Enjoy, and you're welcome ;)
Are you ready to listen to both Amanda and Andrea have revelations about Spike? Then you've come to the right place!
It's an amazing character-driven episode that delves deep into Spike's history, and while Amanda finally 'gets' why everyone likes Spike, it's Andrea who's brain seems to have exploded the most in this episode.
Double the Xander, double the fun?! It's all about character growth for our favourite male, non-teacher Scooby this week.
We chat about confidence, weakness and seizing opportunities this week as we discuss 'The Replacement'
We welcome back podcast super-fan Peter Dunn as we also welcome back fan-favourite Spike to Buffy in the "Harsh Light of Day"!
This extra-long podcast is spent talking about the three relationships of the episode, Spike & Harmony, Anya & Xander, and Buffy & Parker, with a little bit of Gem of Amara on the side.
Amanda and Andrea welcome new guest, Marina, to discuss Beauty and the Beasts.
In this pseudo-sequel to Phases, the ladies talk about the nature of beasts and how it's represented in the three male characters, Oz, Pete and Angel. Unsurprisingly, the ladies skirt around and then talk about the abuse/therapy parts of this episode as well.
We find out that Marina's favourite character is Oz (much to Andrea's glee) and her Buffy 'origin' story. The ladies have a TON of quotes for this episode, so sit back, relax and enjoy!
"This podcast is brought to you by..."
The girls welcome, as the first guest for season 3, fan-favourite John as they meet new slayer Faith, sassy vamp Mr. Trick and new love interest Scott Hope.
On top of chatting about how much they love Faith, they also ponder the consequences of a high vampire population on the city of Sunnydale, and try and figure out why Giles wasn't invited to the Watcher's Council getaway.
Amanda and Andrea welcome back Tom from Toronto, (live and in person this time) for their discussion about the episode with the weirdest placement in the whole season.
Tom brings the girls Swedish fish, and a eulogy for the episode. Andrea goes off on a Hallmark movie tangent and Amanda explains how she kinda liked the episode....despite it's rampant misogyny.
Also, one of Andrea's fun facts brings an interesting musical revelation for Amanda, and the girls talk fun fan emails!
Not only is it time for one of the most beautiful episodes of Buffy, with strong emotional character work from the cast, it's ALSO finally our episode with Peter Dunn!
Andrea's so excited to have two newbies to watch and podcast one of best written, in her opinion, episodes of the season! Having both Amanda and Peter unspoiled leads to an super-sized episode with lots of speculation about the future for the Scoobies.
There's also a new theme mix, a song for Tiny Fences by Peter and he gets the girls a bit teary with his lovely words of support! It's a good one folks! Enjoy!
Passion: It's a heartbreaker, that's for sure. Angelus amps up his torment of Buffy, and this has a direct correlation to the feels inflicted on poor Amanda.
With Amanda out of sorts, Andrea gets to flex her film studies degree muscles a little more than usual, with discussions about the strong directing, lighting and cinematography in this episode, especially during the climactic chase scene. We also dive into the themes of passion, and invitation/exclusion, and how they're explored in the episode.
It's a good one folks! Enjoy! (and send positive vibes Amanda's way)
People, we have a lot of thoughts about Phases. Andrea wants to talk about this as one of the few Oz-centric eps in the series, but Amanda can't get over how awful almost every other male is in the ep! And she's right, it's pretty awful.
The ladies also talk about how they're watching the same show, but are getting such different things out of it, Andrea wants the comedy, Amanda wants the emotion. This is probably because Andrea just wants everyone to be happy, and Amanda can't help being an empath.
In the end, the episode has its fair share of problematic elements, and those are off-set by some seriously adorable Willow/Oz moments.
Time to wrap up Career Week with a BANG!
The girls discuss, yet again, what makes Buffy unique as a Slayer, especially her ability to outsource things to the Scoobies.
Amanda's enamoured with Coriander and Andrea talks about some animal cracker love, and how Alyson Hannigan's TV relationships give her potentially unrealistic #relationshipgoals.