Amanda and Andrea sit down to have a not fun but good conversation about 'Seeing Red', and the terrible, horrible things the audience is witness to in it.
'Entopy' may be defined as the "lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder", but in this episode things are also coming together, Dawn and Buffy, Tara and Willow, as they also 'decline into disorder' for other relationships.
It may not be the best episode ever, but it's certainly our favourite 'bridge episode' in a long time.
Amanda and Andrea welcome back Lauren to chat about the excellently mind-bendy episode 'Normal Again'.
As per usual when Lauren comes to chat with us, there are a lot of laughs, but we also have some really interesting conversations about reality, multiverses and mental health. With a little peek into the Vancouver film industry on the side.
It's Anya and Xander's big day! Nothing could possibly go wrong, right? Especially not in Sunnydale.
Sigh, time for us to talk about 'Hells Bells' and all the sadness it brings to the Scooby gang.
That's right! Here it is again! The LIVE version of Tiny Fences: The Musical! Recorded June 10 at La Fontana Caffe in Burnaby, BC.
A huge thank you to everyone who helped us put this event on, and to all those who came out to see us be ridiculous in public!
Let's talk about 'As You Were'...'cause we have to.
Amanda's really not a fan, and Andrea agrees, but has a few redeeming moments for us anyways.
Then, the always popular, 'Five Minutes according to Amanda, 'cause Andrea didn't have time to watch Angel'