Here's a Dawn-centric episode where the most interesting character parts have to do with everyone except Dawn....
Buffy's trying figure out what do with her life. The Trio want to test her abilities. Hilariousness ensues.
Giles is back! He's happy to see his Slayer on this plane of existence, but knows something's wrong. There's an intense fight with Willow, which leads Amanda and Andrea into an interesting conversation about her growing power and continued immaturity. We also meet a group of nerds who've decided to take over Sunnydale, with the help of a demon and a bank robbery.
MAGIC HAS CONSEQUENCES! We've been talking about it for ages it seems, and in this episode we get a good look at one of the consequences of the spell it took to bring Buffy back.
Time to deal with the second half of the big two-part season six opener!