It's time for the first half of the season six finale "Two to Go", we chat a lot about power and how Willow and Buffy deal with it, also how we see the point in which Buffy loses her battle to be the one to save Willow.
Oh man, here we go, the real big bad of the season is finally revealed, and it is TERRIFYING (and amazing).
Amanda and Andrea chat a lot about the morality that exists in the Buffyverse, and continue in on how much they can't stand Warren.
(We also have a quick little note at the beginning about our thoughts on Kai's essay.)
Amanda and Andrea sit down to have a not fun but good conversation about 'Seeing Red', and the terrible, horrible things the audience is witness to in it.
'Entopy' may be defined as the "lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder", but in this episode things are also coming together, Dawn and Buffy, Tara and Willow, as they also 'decline into disorder' for other relationships.
It may not be the best episode ever, but it's certainly our favourite 'bridge episode' in a long time.
Amanda and Andrea welcome back Lauren to chat about the excellently mind-bendy episode 'Normal Again'.
As per usual when Lauren comes to chat with us, there are a lot of laughs, but we also have some really interesting conversations about reality, multiverses and mental health. With a little peek into the Vancouver film industry on the side.
It's Anya and Xander's big day! Nothing could possibly go wrong, right? Especially not in Sunnydale.
Sigh, time for us to talk about 'Hells Bells' and all the sadness it brings to the Scooby gang.
That's right! Here it is again! The LIVE version of Tiny Fences: The Musical! Recorded June 10 at La Fontana Caffe in Burnaby, BC.
A huge thank you to everyone who helped us put this event on, and to all those who came out to see us be ridiculous in public!
Let's talk about 'As You Were'...'cause we have to.
Amanda's really not a fan, and Andrea agrees, but has a few redeeming moments for us anyways.
Then, the always popular, 'Five Minutes according to Amanda, 'cause Andrea didn't have time to watch Angel'
Uh oh, Buffy's celebrating a birthday, never a good thing.
Even though it's Buffy's birthday, we think this is supposed to be about Dawn, she definitely gets the short end of the characterization stick AGAIN. Tara, yet again, comes in and outshines her.
It's a pretty middle of the road episode, but there are some nice moments for the adults, especially with the Buffy/Tara friendship, plus we get a literal redshirt in Richard.
Amanda and Andrea finally get an episode that they both enjoy and get a great character study on Buffy and her current state of mind when the Trio try to frame her for the murder of an innocent.
We also get an extended 'more than' 5 Minutes with Angel as the ladies discuss Waiting in the Wings.
(also: please note, Andrea knows that Gavin Rossdale's from England, not Australia, she doesn't know why she mixed that up on the day)
We rebel against the haters by not hating Doublemeat Palace! WE HAVE REASONS!
Amanda likes the horror style, Andrea likes that Buffy's trying to make positive steps in her life. The ladies also get into a couple tangents about minimum-wage jobs, and the stigma around them. And if you have kids listening to the podcast, be warned Andrea(!) makes up a weird, not-for-kids tagline for this episode.
ALSO! Please be warned! There are spoilers for 'Soylent Green' in this podcast, Amanda insisted this warning be included, despite Andrea believing the movie coming out in 1973 means the statute for spoilers has expired.
Additional info from things we talked about:
Revisionist History: Carlos Doesn't Remember
Invisi-ray. trio shenanigans, invisible Buffy, recovering Willow.
These are all things from this episode that we like and dislike to varying degrees...
It's time for Wrecked. Please be warned, we're not big fans of this episode, but as always we do find things to enjoy and talk about.
Oh man, things are a-happenin' in Sunnydale!
We have a not-so-daring museum heist, a movie date with a whole lotta shake, a de-ratting, a LOT of frivolous magic, and some serious structural damage.
Time for an episode that mixes mind-wipe shenanigans with complete and utter heartbreak, topped off with a Michelle Branch song designed to make Amanda cry.
It's finally time you guys!!! Tiny Fences: The Musical is here at long last. We sing songs and talk about Buffy's amazing musical episode, Once More with Feeling!
We hope you enjoy it! We put a lot of love and work into this crazy endeavour!
We'd like to give a HUGE thank you to Shannon Kerr for her help with 'Previously on Buffy,' 'Fun Facts with Andrea,' 'My One Complaint,' and 'Who You Are.' As well as her husband Tyson for his contributions to those songs.
Also thank you to Gian Latrofa for coming in to sing 'Blame it on the Oboe,' and 'Spike Song'.
Here's a Dawn-centric episode where the most interesting character parts have to do with everyone except Dawn....
Buffy's trying figure out what do with her life. The Trio want to test her abilities. Hilariousness ensues.
Giles is back! He's happy to see his Slayer on this plane of existence, but knows something's wrong. There's an intense fight with Willow, which leads Amanda and Andrea into an interesting conversation about her growing power and continued immaturity. We also meet a group of nerds who've decided to take over Sunnydale, with the help of a demon and a bank robbery.
MAGIC HAS CONSEQUENCES! We've been talking about it for ages it seems, and in this episode we get a good look at one of the consequences of the spell it took to bring Buffy back.
Time to deal with the second half of the big two-part season six opener!
Buffy Lives! After a short trip to Pylea, we're back chatting about the season six premiere, Bargaining Pt 1.
Things are a-changin' in the Buffyverse! We're on the UPN! Willow's the star of the ep! It's WAY darker! Giles is out of the main credits!
Are you ready for a couple hours of Amanda and Andrea talking about the season five finale, the 100th episode, the final episode of Buffy on the WB, 'The Gift'?!
If you are, we'll let you know that there are more songs than normal, surprisingly fewer tangents, and a whole lot of love for the way Joss brings everything together in this episode.
We also have a little sneak preview of one of the songs we've written for "Tiny Fences: The Musical!" (yes, we're going super-meta for OMwF)
Welcome to the penultimate episode of season five! It's a bit different from other 'before the finale' eps, in that it doesn't really ramp the action up. Instead we explore morality, humanity and the consequences of magic through a trip into Buffy's subconscious and the relationship between Glory and Ben.
Also, here are some links to a couple things we chat about:
Spoon Theory -
Shades of Magic series
We're nearing the end of season five, and as per usual we've hit the 'not great' episode of the final batch, 5x20 - Spiral.
Although, there are some nice character moments from the Scoobies, Amanda and Andrea talk about their MANY problems with the Knights of Byzantium, and how it brings down this whole episode.
Andrea brings up the parallels between Dawn and Ben that come about thanks to the massive exposition dump from the general of the Knights...(have we mentioned we don't like the knights?)